Before you get started there are some Terms and Conditions you need to agree to. This website was set up for students in New Zealand to create and test their programming, web and database Digital Technology projects.
To use this server you need to agree to the following:
You will only use this server for school-based projects and assessments.
You must not upload or create inappropriate content.
You will honour copyright and either use content you have created yourself or Creative Commons / Public Domain works. If you use Creative Commons works, you will attribute those works appropriately.
You will keep file sizes as small as possible. This means you will resize and optimise any images that you upload so that less space is used for storage. Aim to keep each image file less than 250 Kb.
You will keep your login and password private.
You must not create or upload code that intentionally interferes with the system in such a way that it grants access to files you are not normally permitted to access.
Any uploaded or created PHP code that can potentially access the file system improperly are reviewed regularly for malicious intent.
If you are using PHPMailer (/var/www/PHPMailer) you must not use it to send unsolicited email or spam.
You must not create or upload code that improperly communicates with other servers on the internet.
Failure to comply with these terms and conditions may result in you being locked out of your account and being unable to complete your school projects on this web site.
I agree to the Project Space Terms and Conditions.